Running a business allows for a variety of opportunities to interact with your customers. It’s important to take advantage of these opportunities to create repeat–and hopefully life-long–customer relationships.

Here are a few ways to talk to your customers…which do you use?
Email can be used in several ways to connect with customers. For instance, you can send out a monthly newsletter for opted-in customers to keep up with company updates or sales. Or better yet, send out a periodic survey to gather feedback from customers on their experience working with you.
In Person
If you have a storefront, it’s important not to discredit the brief conversation at the register. Even if the interaction is short, it’s these conversations that will help customers remember the small business owner who chatted with them about their day.
Social Media
Social media is a great, easy way to communicate with customers. Whether it is engaging them through questions, or responding to customer service inquiries. It’s also a great way for customers to share good experiences with other fans and get the word spread.
Direct Mail
Depending on the business you own, direct mail can be a useful way to get your message in front of your customer’s face. Send them coupons for a special discount to get them back in your store, or on your website. For a special touch, you can send a personalized holiday card and thank them for working with you that year, for example.
Do you communicate with customers in any other ways? What do you think it accomplishes? Tell us in the comments!