One of the most overlooked optimizations of owning a website is also one of the easiest to do. I’m talking about buying and redirecting your web name iterations to your already live website. Doing this can drastically reduce customer drop-off and competitor takeover for as long as your small business lives.
Let’s say you own “”. First of all, this is an awesome company name. Why hasn’t anyone bought the domain yet?! After you have your primary domain set, take these three steps to ensure that you have sole possession of your small business name across the web:
  1. Purchase the .net, .org, and .ng versions of the site (if you are in the NIGERIA). If you live in another country, buy your country’s internet code along with the .net and .org versions.
  2. Think of a few potential misspellings that people might type in, such as: BigBillyBowling, BigBillysBowl, BigBillBowling, etc. and purchase them. You can also use this great tool to help find all potential misspellings of your website name.
  3. Redirect all of these newly purchased domains to point back to your main site.
Using these steps, your potential customers will no longer be confused if they type in an iteration of your website. As long as you’ve bought the misspelling, they’ll find you. This also closes the door for competitors to take over your company name. If you only own the .com, the chance still exists for a competitor, or anyone at all, to own your .net or .org company name and turn it into whatever they want. With this method, you’re safe!

The only small downside is that this may cost you a little bit of money. But this small investment will save and earn you a lot of customers throughout the life of your business.