Although it seems as if direct mail marketing has been taken over by online marketing, it by no means has lost its effectiveness.

According to ExactTarget, “65% of people who receive direct mail have made a purchase or engage in a different marketing channel as instigated by the sender, placing in at second behind e-mail (66%).” Not only is direct marketing still effective, it can also be integral in setting you apart from the standard email spam and flashing banner ads.
However, as with any marketing platform, coming up with new and interesting ways to promote your product can be tricky, as you want to be smart about cost, while still being effective. Consider the new tactics direct mail marketers are turning to.
Make It Interactive
While customers appreciate a postcard, we are still always connected. So, in order for your message to stand out, make your piece of mail interactive in some way. This will ensure that it spends time in your customer’s hands instead of in the trash.
  • While QR codes have been snubbed by some marketers, many businesses still see the value in them, as mobile device ownership increases more every passing year. Include a QR code for your customer to scan to take them to a mobile coupon, your website, a landing page, etc.
Get Hands-On
The beauty of direct mail marketing is that you land directly into the hands of your customer with as little distraction as possible. However, instead of giving them another piece of mail to recycle, give them a reason to hold onto it.
  • Include a coupon code so customers can keep your postcard–and hopefully purchase!
Use Trending Image Style
Images can be very effective marketing tools. Printed images have gone far beyond the simple graphics of the past. Consider stepping out of the box when choosing images for your next campaign; while you want to stay true to your brand, perhaps you can take a few hints from the world of online marketing.
Marketing ideas are becoming increasingly complex and creative as more businesses are trying to reach customers. Be sure that your direct marketing campaign stands out from the rest by making your mail intriguing and interactive. The more time the customer spends handling your flyer, the more likely he or she is to use your product or service.

  • Consider utilizing an infographic. This type of graphic has found a niche in business, and has proven to be successful in engaging customers/readers.