Seasonal small businesses face challenges, particular during the off-season. But just because you may not be in the peak months for your business does not mean there are no opportunities for marketing.
Consider these 7 ideas to promote your seasonal business every day of the year:
  • Send e-newsletters. Show your customer base that you have expertise beyond your individual services with informational e-newsletters. This is an easy way to give your customers valuable information and also keep your business name fresh in their minds.
  • Offer early sign up promotions. If you own a snow removal company, offer discounts for people who sign up for your services in the off-season. The same goes for summer services like mowing or landscaping.
  • Consider year-round billing. For seasonal services, spread out the cost over all 12 months. Not only does this offer more affordable options for your clients, but it also keeps them as an ongoing customer. This option means that instead of customers needing to “choose” you again each year, they already have an established account.
  • Never get caught empty-handed. Maybe you make your money with a pumpkin patch every fall, or a Christmas tree lot every December. Make sure you always have your business cards on hand, even if it is the middle of July. As you make business connections during your normal routine, you want to provide your contact information. Even better – ask new connections for their business cards and then follow up with an introductory email complete with your contact information.
  • Seek out local partnerships. Find other seasonal businesses or complementary companies and establish partnerships. You can do something as basic as swapping business cards, or even go digital and swap ads on each other’s websites. Promote each other and develop mutually beneficial ways to boost your businesses.
  • Have fun on social media. Keep your business name fresh in the minds of customers through consistent social media interaction. Post a Facebook status or link every day, even if the information does not directly relate to your business. Invest the time during your “slow” months into building up Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn followings so you have a bigger potential customer base when your season rolls around again.
  • Gear up. Get prepared for your busy months by replacing equipment, organizing files and updating your signage. When you are in the middle of your chaotic months, you will be happy that all of the minor business details are already in place. Be sure to leave a business card with everyone you encounter in these tasks.
Seasonal small business owners are often so busy during peak times that promotion must take a back seat. Take advantage of these year-round marketing ideas and expand your customer base in the off months. What off-season promotional ideas would you add?