In most cases a website is one of the first interactions a prospect will have with your business. Nowadays, prospects ask for your website address, more than they ask for your business cards. If you’re not online, you’re not in business period.
The real question is, whether any website would do? And I strongly believe in some cases not having a website is better than having a bad one. Why?
A great website has the capacity to impact how your target market and prospects perceive your business. A great website design has the ability to:
  • Establish Credibility
  • Build Trust
  • Engage Visitors
  • Generate Leads
  • Support Your Customers
  • Help You Close More Sales
  • Increase Your Business Revenue and Bottom Line
However, very often, especially amongst small business owners, a website is thrown together with little thought or strategy on how it can impact your lead generation, customer acquisition and sales.
Building a website with a clear goal and strategy in mind will help you achieve your goals. Most websites have the following goals in mind:
  • Establish a Web Presence – if your only goal is to establish an online presence, most likely it’s because your target market expects you to have one, a great website will help you to solidify your business, build trust and give the prospect the confidence to take the next step with you. Failure to establish a credible web presence could result in the loss of the lead and sales all together.
  •  Provide Information – If you sell a product or provide a service where there are a lot of frequently asked questions or demonstrations needs, using your website as a tool, will be an excellent choice, it will help you to serve your prospects and customers and free up your time. Even in some cases you can qualify serious prospects and get them closer to a sale.
  • Market Your Business Online – There is no other form of marketing out there that will put you in front of the people searching for your services at a time when they need it in real time. An entrepreneur could literally launch a business today and start getting new customers online tomorrow. That’s the power of internet marketing. But in order to capitalize on this phenomenon, your website has to built, with the right strategy in place to take advantage of the opportunities. If you’re not showing up online, you’re losing business, period.
  • Generate Leads – A website has a tremendous capacity to help you generate leads for your business, whether you are doing online or offline advertising. Using your website, with free giveaways and tempting offers, you can increase your lead generation and build a prospect list. How many people will buy at the first interaction with your ad. The key is to get them in your marketing funnel, by first generating a lead, and then following up to close the sale. A website is the perfect tool to help you accomplish this goal. Furthermore, you can automate your entire marketing with the help of your website.
  • Generate Sales – Whether you have a brick and mortar store or an online business, whether you sell a product or a service. Your website has the capacity to boost your sales and bottom line, by operating for your business 24/7 while you sleep.
If you’re interested in a Free Website Consultation to determine if your business needs a website, please feel free to contact us either by phone 08023992658 or 08182912454.