We all know that social media can be overwhelming. There are stats and figures that show which network is a hit or a flop with given demographics.
As a small business owner, you don’t have the time to be everywhere at once (big companies can’t either) – but what social network is right for you? If you don’t know, answer the multiple choice questions below:
  1. My product is best portrayed through:
    A. Photos
    B. Words
    C. Video
    D. A combination
  2. My customers love seeing:
    A. Photos
    B. Words
    C. Video
    D. A combination
  3. I love producing:
    A. Photos
    B. Words
    C. Video
    D. A combination
  4. My best mode of communication is:
    A. Photos
    B. Words
    C. Video
    D. A combination
  5. My product can be best explained using:
    A. Photos
    B. Words
    C. Video
    D. A combination
If your answers were primarily A:.
The social network that would best suit your business is Pinterest. This network is very image-heavy and is a great way for you to showcase your products and get them to a like-minded audience. One way to best augment Pinterest is to host these images on your website or blog so that you can drive traffic right back to your homebase.
If you answers were primarily B:.
Your social network match is Twitter. This 140-character medium allows companies of all sizes to have real-time conversations with folks around the world. This medium is also great for small business owners who are looking to help customers while on the go.
If your answers were primarily C:.
YouTube is where you should start. This platform is the world’s second-largest search engine, trailing only Google. Like Pinterest, listed above, it is important to embed these videos on your blog or website to get the most traction out of them for customers and potential customers.
If your answers were primarily D: .
Facebook is your ideal social media match. The world’s largest social network allows businesses to mix imagery, text and video to build up relationships with customers and prospects. A great thing to leverage this platform for is giving behind-the-scenes information, imagery or tips to get customers excited about your company.
If the above questions did not meet your needs, your perfect social network is LinkedIn. This platform is often the most overlooked social network, but is a great platform for businesses of all sizes that play in the B2B space to build up contacts that could lead to future business.
What network are you? We’d love to hear in the comments below.