Vistarprints is back, which means your favorite players and teams have returned to the ice. This means sales of jerseys and other memorabilia bearing team logos will start to boom once again.

We all recognize team logos. The question is, do your customers recognize your logo? A logo is an essential aspect to branding your business; it acts as a visual representation of your brand and company, and in a sense your logo is the “face” of your brand.
More often than not a good logo is easier to remember than a company name. We tend to be a visual society, from television and computers to 3D graphics and charts. Logos incorporate colors, fonts and images all of which combine to represent your business. Creating a logo is essential to branding your business because your logo will be positioned everywhere throughout your company including on your business cards, letterhead, envelopes, websites and e-mails. The industry you’re in, your audience and, most importantly, the character behind your brand need to be represented in some way in your logo design.
Creating a logo is not easy and needs to be a well-thought out process. Your logo should represent your brand and industry while attracting and resonating with your audience. Use the tips above to help rework or design a logo for your business. For those of you who have already gone through this process, we would love to hear what your logo says about your business. Share your response below in the comments.